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Az To Rally Against Native Mascots
Eliminate Native American Mascots/Nicknames
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Below are a list of common arguments Native people who advocate for the elimination of Native Mascots/names face constantly. Whats the big deal? It’s just football, its just a mascot, stop being so sensitive! Native people are alive and represent nations and tribes within the colonized boundaries of the United States, in Canada, and Mexico. As Indigenous people we’ve been …
People are appalled that Kathy Griffin posted a photo of a faux decapitated Trump — but we see ‘decapitated’ Indians all the time Amanda Blackhorse • June 1, 2017 Actress and comedian Kathy Griffin is facing a fierce backlash after she posted a picture of a mock-bloodied decapitated head of Donald Trump. CNN even fired her from an annual special because …
Originally posted at: www.indiancountrymedianetwork.com/news/native-news/blackhorse-a-single-poll-will-not-shut-us-up/ Amanda Blackhorse • June 1, 2016 On Friday, I was a part of a telephone press conference to make it clear to the public, to the Washington NFL team, and The Washington Post that our fight to eliminate the R-word is far from over. We took a stand to demonstrate that a single poll conducted by …